All of Quintessa's paintings are original and handmade in our London studio. Each artwork is worked on by one of our highly skilled artists, who have a wealth of experience gained over many years. From contemporary to traditional, the team uses a myriad of techniques and finishes to create each bespoke piece. Sizes, colours and detailing is tailor-made for each client.
DieloSet of 1
BelttoSet of 1
HuerSet of 1
HolsiSet of 2
KawenSet of 1
GherSet of 1
GrioSet of 2
NokaSet of 2
VertySet of 1
TrisiSet of 3
NamaSet of 2
LatomSet of 1
IdaSet of 1
TreiSet of 2
KoliSet of 1
LamioSet of 1
CorserSet of 1
GuyerSet of 2
FeroSet of 2
AkimaSet of 1
LiferSet of 1
FaitSet of 2
DatakiSet of 2
FiloeSet of 1
FarriSet of 2
SchepSet of 1
DukaSet of 2
Mineral GoldSet of 1
BlaiirSet of 2
WodagSet of 2
ColleirSet of 2
ZituSet of 1
BicorSet of 1
VlirrSet of 1
StuderSet of 2
SersiSet of 1
DieradSet of 2
MauvarSet of 2
Astrov PairSet of 2
MauvSet of 2
BiscoutSet of 2
PeialSet of 2
FoliaSet of 2
StiploSet of 1
ValonaSet of 2
FlirtifSet of 2
FikunSet of 2
ShontaSet of 2
CircolSet of 1
KelaSet of 2
HeletSet of 2
OceriSet of 2
ArbourSet of 1
LaygonSet of 2
HurmalSet of 2
CandorSet of 2
RupaSet of 2
LiptaSet of 1
PoraSet of 2
SonureSet of 2
IssolSet of 1
GikuSet of 1
HiloSet of 1
PelsSet of 3
JarnaSet of 1
StuySet of 2
MoogaSet of 2
AfnicSet of 2
SictiSet of 3
BohosSet of 4
CarraSet of 2
SignaSet of 2
CrolaSet of 2
FortoSet of 1
PerotSet of 1
PerhoeSet of 1
GoppiSet of 1
HickeSet of 1
UnioSet of 1
DanopSet of 1
DontiSet of 1
FarwoSet of 1
BiderSet of 1
BarcaSet of 1
SiroSet of 1
BisadSet of 1
CrituSet of 1
TapukiSet of 2
SadeSet of 1
KariSet of 1
IzleSet of 2
SwishSet of 1
BaierSet of 1
TrolosSet of 2
AlganSet of 1
VoeitSet of 1
EcolSet of 1
CollisSet of 3
LayitSet of 2
EbokuSet of 2
MastiSet of 1
TapakSet of 2
GeomSet of 2
RokaiSet of 2
ImpressaSet of 2
BubblaSet of 1
LuctaSet of 1
TheelSet of 1
LuminaSet of 2
NapukiSet of 2
MaroSet of 3
SkitoSet of 1
LugarSet of 1
DuraSet of 1
UmparaSet of 2
NitoSet of 2
KanieSet of 1
NaraiSet of 6
GotiSet of 2
WhicaSet of 1
MintoSet of 2
LejisSet of 2
QuroSet of 2
GraffiSet of 2
JaciiSet of 2
LuviaSet of 2
VarlaSet of 2
ToroSet of 2
PalettaSet of 1
MezaSet of 1
JuniSet of 2
FjorSet of 2
VertSet of 2
WiterSet of 2
OldireSet of 1
RaioSet of 1
JaxesSet of 2
FlikeSet of 2
KaliSet of 2
RustirSet of 1
FirozaSet of 2
CaramSet of 1
Birch PeelSet of 2
WharlSet of 1
KowaSet of 1
BaaruSet of 2
PalmaSet of 1
PlanasSet of 1
SafuraSet of 2
ZosteSet of 2
ComoSet of 2
GodarSet of 1
AmmoliSet of 2
AndesiSet of 1
ObsidaSet of 1
AlmandiSet of 2
CiciSet of 1
KurekSet of 1
FreyaSet of 2
ElianSet of 1
LazuliSet of 3
CollipiSet of 2
YaslySet of 1
TograSet of 1
CoriolSet of 1
Bartu PairSet of 2
NatorSet of 1
OsferoSet of 3
FlockSet of 2
FalkerSet of 2
DerinSet of 2
NebaSet of 1
FracuSet of 2
OtkosSet of 1
KaroSet of 1
TatraSet of 1